Wednesday, February 22, 2012


This week was the make it or break it week for the girls. Ben went to the four girls hometowns to meet their families. The first town he visited was Ocala, Florida for Lindzi. She planned the day around riding horses, showing Ben that horses are a big part of her life. When he met her parents, Ben and her dad got a long really well. They had fun having competitions with each other. Her parents gave the stamp of approval for Ben to propose to her.
Second hometown was in Clarksville, Tennessee for Kacie B. Her introduction to her town was having one of the high school bands play while she twirled her baton. Also, eating lunch at a field named after her grandpa. When Ben met Kacie’s family, they were very skeptical about the whole situation. During the night they set the guidelines on what is going to happen if he does propose to her. It was hard for Kacie B. to have her parents say that. At the end she said, “This day was supposed to make our relationship stronger but, right now I think it did the complete opposite.”
Nicki’s hometown is in Fort Worth, Texas. A Texas girl at heart, she took Ben around the town shopping for new boots, cowboy hat, and the whole attire of clothing for a cowboy. He definitely liked this date and how she felt comfortable. Her family was very supportive of them getting married.
Last was saved for Courtney; her parents live in Scottsdale, Arizona. She was a lot better being around her family and in her own element. It was nice to see her finally relax and to see where she comes from. After Ben met her parents she planned a fake wedding. They wrote their vows and shared them to each other. Courtney finally admitted that she is in love with Ben.
At the rose ceremony Kacie B. was the one who got sent home.
We are down to the last two episodes to see who he will propose to. This next week they are headed off to Switzerland. 

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