Saturday, March 17, 2012

After the Final Rose

After America watched the proposal to Courtney, Chris Harrison talked about the happy couple. Unfortunately during the time the show was airing Ben had broke off the engagement with Courtney for some time. He was surprised and very confused when he saw Courtney’s behavior on the show.
Chris welcomed Courtney into the room to talk and she only got a few people to applaud for her. Most of them were booing her. She talked about the split and how she hasn’t fully regained her trust for Ben yet.
Ben came out later and talked about how it was hard for him to overcome those mean comments about him and Courtney. He didn’t think it would be so hard for the both of them. At the end of the show he did give Courtney her ring back. For now they are together but we will see what happens to them in the future. 

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